GIS stands for Geographic Information Systems, and it is an important tool used by organizations around the world to collect and analyze data. GIS technology helps us better understand our planet and make more informed decisions about how we interact with it. With GIS, you can look at a map of your neighborhood and see what types of land are in use – parks, businesses, homes, etc.
You can even use GIS to plan out routes for biking or walking trips! By using powerful computer software, GIS allows us to visualize data like never before, making it easier than ever to gain valuable insights from information collected from satellites, drones, and other sources. Whether you're studying climate change, tracking endangered species, or managing natural resources, GIS can help you do it faster and smarter. So come explore the amazing possibilities that GIS has to offer!
Our GIS services entails ground GPS data capture and geo-analysis. We also have extensive database covering Nigeria and some West African Countries.
Our digital map data covers over 150,000 KM in Esri Shapefiles and an extensive topographic map covering over 500 towns in Nigeria in scale 1:50,000 and scale 1:25,000
We have partnered with Afromaper Mapping Services, a foremost GIS firm in Nigeria to further broaden our services.